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  • Christina

Reasons To Write About Other People

I, mistakenly, tried to categorize and summarize reasons we write about other people. I wanted to write a story about why we write other peoples’ stories or, maybe, a poem. I was hoping to be profound. But, for me, it all felt too overwhelming or broad or cliche or stereotypical. People are far too complex. So here’s an uncategorized, non-comprehensive, messy list of why we write about other people.

  1. We like or admire them

  2. We don’t like them

  3. We don’t like something in ourselves we see in them

  4. To process something- something we see in them, something we experienced with them

  5. We want to honor them and/or their memory- we don’t want their stories, their lives to be forgotten

  6. We want to bring out the complexity of humanity- how a person can be both kind and rude and loving and lack understanding

  7. They are the backdrop, the “take-off” for the story

  8. We want to bring awareness about crisis, loss, injustice, or a humanitarian effort and can do so through their experience/story

  9. They are bound to us in some way (spouse, love, parent, child, friend) and we can tell our story together through them

  10. We have learned something through them- wonder from a child, better communication from a spouse, what narcissism looks like, what love is or is not

  11. They show us joy

  12. They bring humor- we all need to laugh

  13. There is a thread throughout their life we want to highlight- anger, joy, contentment, grief, etc.

  14. It’s a love story- everyone loves love!

  15. Their story is a tragedy but offers hope and/or redemption

  16. Their story/life is noble, pure, true, right, admirable, praiseworthy and is worth telling! (borrowed from Phil. 4:8)

  17. There is LIFE and goodness and beauty to be told through them!

  18. Simply because of who they are, everyone has a story to tell!


  1. Because the cashier showed kindness to you when you forgot an item and snuck you back in-between other customers

  2. Because your sister has experienced at least three traumatic events in the past four years but continues to put one foot in front of the other and warmly, hospitably show up for everyone around her even in the midst of anxieties

  3. Because your husband is patient and sacrificial towards you when you're needy, nonsensical, and tired

  4. Because you see yourself in the mom at the coffee shop treasuring her children

  5. Because your uncle never lost faith and hope in the face of rare, excruciating medical diagnosis

  6. Because, despite all that life has tried to throw at and taunt them with, your parents still choose to walk life with each other

  7. Because, simply by existing, your child has revealed selfishness within you and has helped shape you into a softer more gracious human

  8. Because your friend weaves life and beauty into your life despite distance

  9. Because people, no matter who they are, have touched your life

This was a prompt from our Heart to Page course with Callie Feyen

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