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Flower in Sunlight

Slowly and Gently

on life and motherhood 

Home: Welcome

I’ve Moved (My Writing)!

Just a quick update, my friends. I’ve moved most of my writing over to Substack where I’ll post once or twice a week at...

What I Know About Happiness

I know happiness is fleeting and the further I chase it the farther from it I get like Percy Jackson trying to understand how their quest...

On Grandpa

Our year has been bookended with trips to Rupert, Idaho. A quick Google search will tell you there's just over 6,000 people that live...

Recipe For How To Gather

1 willing host 1 grandpa dozing in the chair 2 families with young children 1 set of in-laws 1 college kid constantly napping 1 random...

Reasons To Write About Other People

I, mistakenly, tried to categorize and summarize reasons we write about other people. I wanted to write a story about why we write other...

Of Loss and Life

I'd like to think that if we'd had a girl we would have named her Elianna. We could call her Eli, El, or even Anna. It means "God has...

Under the Apricot Tree

coming autumn whispers float through the air and I sit beneath the shade of this old tree watching and playing Delighting bowing to my...

Recent Snapshots

Where in the world did July and half of August go?! Here we are though! Life has been busy and full and sometimes hard. Here's a few...

I Love This Boy the Most

It's eight or nine at night and Lewis, my second born only a few months old, is arching and crying, again. I've lost count how often this...

Two Funerals

Two of my family members have passed away this year. It's brought a level of grief to our immediate family that we, until now, haven't...

Theodore's Birth

Unremarkable. She has an unremarkable personality. His grades are unremarkable. They've made an unremarkable impression on me. Her life...

Current Favorites

Create Anyway: The Joy of Pursuing Creativity in the Margins of Motherhood by Ashlee Gadd. Her work is so refreshing for this sleepy...

The First One...

Beginnings are difficult. So go slowly and gently. Often you will find yourself along the way. As cliche as that sounds, it's also quite...

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Plants on the Window

About Me

I’m so glad you’re here! I’m Christina, a Christian writer and the one behind Slowly and Gently where I get to share with you some of my thoughts on life and motherhood. I’m a mother to two sweet boys that I hope are wild and kind. This is just my little passion project to bring brightness and joy, richness and beauty into the world; but also, a place to not take myself too seriously sometimes. Oh, and, I really like writing children’s books (if you’re an illustrator let me know!) and drinking coffee! Hopefully, you leave more encouraged and inspired!

Home: About Me

Let’s Connect

Want to learn more about Slowly and Gently? For more information, feel free to get in touch and I will get back to you soon! Or if you want to drop a note, inspire the next post, have me write for you send me the details below!

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Pencil with Eraser
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