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  • Christina

Under the Apricot Tree

coming autumn whispers float

through the air and I sit beneath the shade of this old tree watching and playing


bowing to my belly

beside my babe

perceiving the grassy forest

forehead high the intensity

of lush green

his eyes now understand

this new field of vision enchants

swinging arms aim at the ball

with my boy inklings

of interconnected synchronization

sight and comprehension

and body

mother and son and father

freeing spirits and inhibitions

playing the fool

for foolishness’ sake 

the wild child in all of us

laughing, chasing, bursting

falling leaves and bare branches

covered in white 

kneeling down to gather

uniquely designed snowflakes

covered head to toe

skin rosy and frozen

standing unadorned 

resting under blanketed darkness

dormant hope 


fleeting days in early years 

learning to be delivered 

through weaving acts

of rest and play

a Delightful aroma

reaching heaven

under the apricot tree

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